You have multiple ways to use your quiz for full flexibility. These include:
Show the full quiz on your store
Show a compact button that opens the quiz in a modal on your store
Collection quiz (also uses quiz button)
Link to a standalone, mobile-optimized quiz with your POPlink
Below we'll go into more detail on each option and how to add it to your store.
I've also recorded an accompanying video that walks through all of the methods below.
Below, we'll first show what each of the options looks like, and then, after that we'll see how to implement each of them.
Show the full quiz on your store (embed full quiz)
This option shows the full quiz when the page loads. This takes up more space but is useful for a dedicated quiz page.
A quiz added to your store will automatically inherit your store's styles to match your site's them. If it doesn't, just contact us to fix it for you.
Show a button that opens the quiz in a modal on your store (quiz button)
With the quiz button, the full quiz opens in a modal when the quiz button is clicked. This provides a more compact experience and only opens the quiz when it's needed.
Collection quiz (quiz button added to collection description)
This works the same way as the quiz button (it is a quiz button) and works well on collection pages to boost conversions on these high-traffic pages.
π‘ Adding a collection quiz to your top collection pages can often double conversions on your Shopify collection pages.
See an example of the collection quiz button opening.
Link to a standalone, mobile-optimized quiz with your POPlink
This is a standalone version of your quiz. This quiz isn't on your store, but sends customers to your store when they click the 'Add to Cart' or 'Buy Now' CTAs on the quiz results/recommendation page. This works well for social media and is optimized for mobile devices.
Note: POPlinks work best for quizzes used for social media posts and social giveaways.
When you create a quiz or giveaway, all of the options above (embed full quiz, quiz button (including for collection), and POPlink are created for you, so you can use the same quiz in multiple ways if you need.
If you prefer a walkthrough, refer to the video at the top of this article.
Implementation: How to use your quiz in the desired way
Above, we described the ways to use your quiz, so now let's talk about how to implement each one since it differs based on your store.
You can find all of these on your quiz Publish page.
Next let's go into detail on each option.
Embed & Button: Show the full quiz on your store (embed full quiz) OR a button that opens the quiz in a modal on your store (quiz button)
You add the full quiz and add a quiz button to your store the same way, so we've combined this instructional step. The difference is which code snippet or block you use.
How you show the full quiz or quiz button on your store depends on where you want to show the quiz and your store's theme. Modern Shopify 2.0 themes can use any option, but vintage Shopify 1.0 themes are limited to using the code snippet.
Page section: For modern Shopify 2.0 themes
Copy your quiz key and paste it into the appropriate POPSMASH quiz block (full quiz or quiz button).
Find and copy your quiz key on your Quiz Publish page.
Open the Shopify site editor (Online Store > Customize) and add a section anywhere on the page to show your quiz.
Code snippet: For vintage Shopify 1.0 themes and Shopify 2.0 themes
If you prefer to watch, you can see how to use a code snippet to add a full (embedded) quiz here or to add a quiz button here.
Copy your quiz HTML snippet and paste it into any HTML element.
What is an HTML element?
An HTML element means is any area that accepts HTML. For example, Shopify pages and collection descriptions can accept HTML. Here's an example of toggling the HTML area on a Shopify page and on a collection description to add your code snippet.
Showing the HTML area on a Shopify page.
Showing the HTML area on a Shopify collection page to add a quiz button to the collection description.
Code snippet example videos
How to embed a quiz to your Shopify store with a code snippet
How to add a quiz button on your Shopify store with a code snippet
Additional options to customize the quiz button when using code snippet
When using the quiz button with a code snippet, you can customize the following:
The quiz background color
The button text for users who have already taken your quiz
Customize the quiz background color using a code snippet
Change the background color of the quiz by adding data-modal-style="background-color: #color-here"
to your code snippet. Here's an example in a code snippet:
<div class="ps-quiz-button" data-key="5b7309f5b78d" data-modal-style="background-color: #fbeddf">Start Quiz</div>
Customize the button test for users who've taken the quiz
Change the button text users see when they've already taken the quiz. By default, this is 'View Results' but you can change it by adding data-completed-button-text="New Text Here"
to your code snippet. Here's an example in a code snippet:
<div class="ps-quiz-button" data-key="5b7309f5b78d" data-completed-button-text="New Text Here">Start Quiz</div>
How to add a quiz to a collection
This is covered above since this is just a quiz button, but we'll clarify it here since this is a specific use case.
Collection pages are tricky because they are templates. If you try to add a quiz block to a collection page, every page will show the same quiz, which is incorrect.
To do this, we need to add the quiz to an area that 1) can be different for every collection and 2) accepts HTML, like the collection description section.
First, go to your publish page to find your quiz button code snippet.
Copy the quiz button code snippet.
Paste the code snippet in the HTML area of the collection description for the collection page where you want this quiz to appear.
That's it! Now your quiz button should show when you save and view the page.
Towards the end of the video below, we also show how to add a quiz to a collection.
Troubleshooting Tip π‘
If your quiz button isn't showing, here are two things to try:
Ensure you pasted your snippet into the HTML area.
Go to your collection template in the Shopify editor and ensure that 'Show collection description' is enabled for the Collection Banner section.
Link to a standalone, mobile-optimized quiz with your POPlink
When using your POPlink the steps are minimal, just change the background if you like and add the link wherever you want to use it.
You can change the background of your POPlink page and see other style options on the POPlink tab of your quiz editor.
You can find your POPlink on the Publish tab, along with the other quiz options.
Where do I put my POPlink?
You can put it wherever you want to link to your quiz or giveaway. If you're using it on social, then where you put it depends on the social network because some allow links in posts (like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, etc.), and some don't, like Instagram.
The easiest way is to add it to the post. If you can't, adding "Link in bio" is a common convention for social networks like Instagram.
If you prefer a walkthrough for any of this, refer to the video at the top of this article. And if you have any questions or need help, just reach out to our team!
Additional resources
See more examples of how to use a quiz button here.